Hemp Quantitative Consumer Study Report
New 2020 North American Hemp Market: Opportunities & Challenges
Hemp Quantitative Consumer Study Report

Hemp Quantitative Study among 5,000 North American consumers in February/March 2020 (4,000 US consumers and 1,000 Canadian consumers).
40+ pages/slides of current analysis, commentary, and learnings with consumer knowledge, behaviors, implications, purchase insights across Hemp CPG categories!
Site License: Includes PDF, PPT with access to charts and site rights for internal network usage across one company BRAND/location.
Price: $2,500 Order Report
The Institute's Groundbreaking Multi-Phase Research on the Impact of the Whole Cannabis Plant on Consumers
The Institute conducted a comprehensive research project surrounding cannabis. It is the first and only study to examine the impact of the whole cannabis plant — including CBD, marijuana, and hemp — and its impact on whole health across general population adults in the US and Canada.
This report represents the Phase 3 Marijuana portion of the project

Phase 1: Qualitative Study: 9 online US focus groups with consumers in October 2019 (60+ consumers). Separate Qualitative report available.
Phase 2: Industry & Market Analysis: 5-year review of cannabis-related in-market activity in November 2019. Separate report available

Phase 3: Quantitative Study: among 5,000 North American consumers in February/March 2020 (4,000 US consumers and 1,000 Canadian consumers).
Phase 3 - Table of Contents
Definitions of Groups
The Institute's Health & Wellness
Consumer Segments

Executive Overview of Hemp
- Familiarity and usage of hemp is currently law and driven by WELL BEINGS, FENCE SITTERS and Millennial's
- There exists some confusion about what hemp is and what the benefits are.
- Education and marketing efforts are vital to broaden the reach of this category.

- Current Usage of Hemp
- US: Hemp Usage Demographic Profile
- Canada: Hemp Usage Demographic Profile
- US - Hemp Usage Frequency by Health & Wellness Segment
- Canada - Hemp Usage Frequency by Health & Wellness Segment
- Familiarity with Hemp Product Forms
- Hemp Product Usage
- Hemp Discovery: Paths to Awareness
- Average Monthly Spending on Hemp Product Types
- Drivers to Hemp Use
- Awareness of Hemp Benefits and Uses
- Consumer Views on Hemp
- Perceptions of Hemp as an Alternative Resource
- Confusion about legality and Side Effects of Hemp
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Products

- The Institute Health and Wellness Consumer Segment
- Five Distinct Segments within the Population
- Snapshot: WELL BEINGS
- Snapshot: FOOD ACTIVES
- Snapshot: EAT, DRINK & BE MERRYS

- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Nutritional Supplements
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Gummies
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Foods and Beverages
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Personal Care
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Pet Care
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Household Paper Products
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Clothing
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Textiles
- Projected Market Sizing for Hemp Fabrics

Methodology - Phase 3 Quantitative Consumer Study
- The Institute conducted a comprehensive research project surrounding the whole cannabis plant — including CBD, hemp, and marijuana — and its impact on whole health across general population adults in North America with a focus on pathway to purchase, product opportunities, market sizing, and strategic marketing applications.
- The focus of this consumer study examined the attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and purchase interest related to the dynamic, multi-faceted dimensions of whole health, including the impact on human health and that of the planet.
Survey Methodology:
- 4,000 US adults and 1,000 Canadian adults, nationally projectable to the adult population in each country; accurate at the 95% confidence level to +/- 1.2%
- Conducted online February/March 2020
- Representative in each country to the general population of adults 18+; balanced across key demographics and nationally projectable
- Report released May 2020

Definition of Groups within the Report
GP — General Population Adults (by country)
iGen — born 1998-2001 (Ages 18-21)
Millennials — born 1977-1997 (Ages 22-42)
Young Millennials — born 1991-1997 to (Ages 22-28)
Older Millennials — born 1977-1990 (Ages 29-42)
Gen X — born 1965-1976 (Ages 43-55)
Boomers — born 1946-1964 (Ages 56-72
Matures — born 1900-1945 (Ages 73+)
CBD past 6 month users - used a CBD product* in past 6 months
CBD lapsed user — used a CBD product* but not in the past 6 months
CBD non-users — have never used a CBD product*
CBD Intenders — definitely/probably would use a 880 product* at some point in the future if available where they shop; includes consumers who have ever used CH but not in the past 6 months
All references to dollar sizes are in their local currency (US Dollars, Canadian Dollars)
*oil, tinctures, gummies, capsules, foods, topicals, other forms
The Institute's Health & Wellness consumer segmentation identifies five distinct segments within the U.S. general population