Health and Wellness Market Research
With Natural Marketing Institute's Health and Wellness Segmentation
Consumer Health and Wellness Segmentation Model
Health and wellness represent one of the fastest-growing sectors across various product categories—with half of all new product launches having a health-related attribute. And consumers today are taking more control of their health through a variety of health and wellness initiatives. Research from the Institute's Health & Wellness Trends Database. (HWTD) has segmented consumers into five distinct groups based on their attitudes and behaviors relative to health and wellness: WELL BEINGS, FOOD ACTIVES, MAGIC BULLETS, FENCE SITTERS and EAT, DRINK & BE MERRYS.

Segmenting Consumers
The Institute's analysis of the U.S. population's attitudes and behaviors regarding health and wellness has long indicated that there are clearly identifiable health and wellness segments.
Based on research from more than 150 measures, the Institute segments consumers along a continuum from those most concerned with these issues (WELL BEINGS) to those least concerned with issues related to health and wellness (EAT, DRINK & BE MERRYS).
The Institute's Health & Wellness market research segmentation enables marketers, retailers and suppliers to quantify the purchase behavior of each of the five segments to design new products, position products with messaging that reflects consumer motivations, and facilitate partnering with customers also engaged in health and wellness.
- Over 50,000 Homescan households are scored to the 5 mutually exclusive Institute segments
- Segments also aligned with PRIZM clusters
- Longitudinal view of panel data
- Ongoing collaboration since 2007

Key Benefits:
- Understand your consumers across the health and wellness spectrum
- Identify opportunities for new brands, categories, competitors or existing products
- Attain greater return on investment (ROI) by identifying and targeting your optimal consumer