Case Studies
Natural Marketing Institute has conducted hundreds of projects across health and wellness, sustainability, and whole living markets. Here are some case summaries related to our areas of expertise.
New Product Innovation Pipeline
Business Challenge
Create a global market assessment and new product pipeline for specific categories within the main stream health and wellness market.
Countries explored: US, UK, Japan, France, China and Brazil
Methodology-4 Phased Approach
- Created a Market Construct that identified white space and growth opportunities
- Custom consumer ethnographic study (online community)
- Custom Qual-Quant research study using LENS
- Development of Strategic Marketing Plan
A range of new products are scheduled to launch over the next 5 years, estimated at $300M in revenue across multiple brands within large conglomerate
Implication to Clients
Using the lnstitute's phased innovation approach facilitated a successful launch globally with optimized concepts, focused products based on unmet needs, consumer target identification and efficient marketing efforts
Healthy Beverage Concept
Client Task: Develop new ideas for functional beverages across three age targets
Institute Approach:
- Consumer insight and trend generation utilizing Institute databases and secondary research
- Development of new formative platforms/opportunity areas
- Ideation session with industry experts
- QuaI-Quant concept screening among target audiences (LENS)
- Novel ingredient exploration and science discovery
- Qualitative refinement of top concepts (focus groups)
- Quantitative identification of top concept drivers and barriers - concept optimization process (LENS)
- Recommendations for new product launch
Results: New novel products developed and refined for global market implementation
Electric Vehicle Market Simulation Test
Client Task: Quantify interest in electric vehicles (EVs) based on numerous combinations of input variables
Institute Approach:
- Measure current usage, and related product (i.e., hybrids) usage to establish a baseline
- Develop and field a custom consumer conjoint test that measures interest in EVs based on:
- Purchase Price
- Government incentives
- Distance Traveled on a charge
- Other variables...
- Measure perceived barriers to EVs
- Inclusion of the lnstitute's Sustainability segmentation model to allow for analysis by segment
- Multi-pronged analysis to:
- Quantify the potential penetration, over several years, of EVs with different levels and combinations of the variables
- Development of advanced statistical simulation model
- Recommendations for roll-out
Results: Entry into the marketplace
Corporate Brand Strategy
Client Task: Develop a comprehensive brand strategy to differentiate a nationwide senior living corporation from the competitive landscape and position as an industry leader
Institute Approach:
- Review of current communication and messaging platforms, brand identity, and visual icons as well as the competitive landscape
- Extensive custom analysis from the lnstitute's Whole Living Database
- Primary quantitative research to confirm attitudes and behaviors across the aging landscape as well as gauge receptivity to various positioning platforms.
- Custom ethnographic research among 30+ groups in six states to dimensionalize the vision, mission, brand values, offerings, and challenges
- Primary quantitative research to explore and validate optimal brand strategy approach
- Recommendations for the development of a long-term brand strategy
Results: Current branding strategy being implemented via a multi-phased approach across the entire corporation