Sustainability Database: US and Global Market Research

U.S. Sustainability Database
Covers a multitude of market sectors
- Energy
- Green Building
- Eco-Travel
- Transportation
- Eco-Apparel
- Electronics
- Pet Care
- Investing
- Others
- 200+ LOHAS-related attitudes, drivers to consumer behavior
- Usage patterns and purchase influences across industries, product categories and brands
- Behavior/demos related to green activities, including memberships and non-profit donations
- Information sources
U.S. Sustainability Consumer Trends Database since 2002
- Quantifies the size of the consumer market for environmentally and socially responsible products and services
- Measures the importance of environmental responsibility and societal issues as well as corporate social responsibility
- Explores environmentally conscious behavior
- Determines consumer usage of sustainable products and services and quantifies purchase criteria
- Annual tracking study in U.S. since 2002 and globally since 2005
- 3,000 U.S. adults in 2021, nationally projectable to the US. adult population and accurate at the 95% confidence level to +/- 1.2%
- Conducted online
- Fielded October 2020
U.S. Sustainability Consumer Trends Database since 2002
Global Sustainability Database
Covers 15 market sectors
- Energy
- Green Building
- Eco-Travel
- Transportation
- Eco-Apparel
- Electronics
- Pet Care
- Investing
- Others
- 200 LOHAS-related attitudes, drivers to consumer behavior
- Usage patterns across industries, product categories and brands
- Behavior/demos related to green activities, including memberships and non-profit donations
- Information sources
Sustainability Consumer Database since 2002
Annual tracking study in U.S. since 2002 and globally since 2005
Quantifies the size of the consumer market for environmentally and socially responsible products and services
Measures the importance of environmental responsibility and societal issues as well as corporate social responsibility
Explores environmentally conscious behavior
Determines consumer usage of green products and services, entry points and barriers
Conducted via on-line methodology
Projectable to the adult population of each country
Conducted in 23 countries; 150,000+ consumers interviewed