8th Edition, 2019 USA Supplements/OTC/Rx Consumer Trends & Insights Report


150+ pages of NMI research, study supported, providing current consumer insights with data and analysis, including charts, graphs, illustrations!

Site License: Includes PDF, PPT with access to charts and site rights for internal network usage across one company BRAND/location.

Price: $7,500  Order Report

Introduction Summary

Since 2005, NMI’s Biennial Consumer Study devoted to understanding consumer attitudes and behaviors related to Dietary Supplements/OTC/Rx and their impact on market dynamics!

Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) is pleased to present its 2019 Supplements/OTC/Rx Consumer Trends Report. This comprehensive report analyzes the dietary supplement market from the consumer perspective with 150+ pages of consumer attitudes, behaviors and product usage patterns surrounding dietary supplements, over-the-counter medication and pharmaceuticals.

Now in its 8th Edition, this research uncovers how consumers integrate this mix of self-care methods into their current lifestyle and reveals the motivations and the challenges they encounter in their pursuit of health.

Many factors are driving multiple categories across the U.S. For example, aging drives condition-specific needs, and increased consumer knowledge and desire for specific product features and benefits drive sustainable, organic, and plant-based options. The need for education and an understanding of the drivers that affect consumer behavior patterns has never been stronger.

The overall objectives of the report are to develop unique and specific consumer insight to maximize client learnings and opportunities in terms of attracting new consumers, increasing compliance and developing compelling messaging and communications strategies.

Some of the topics covered in the report:

  • Current and Forecasted New Trends
  • Consumer Nutrition and Health Goals
  • White space opportunities for supplements and condition management
  • Issues when using supplements among Supplement Users
  • Desire for personalized supplementation
  • Importance ratings of supplement attributes
  • Willingness to pay a premium for certain supplement attributes
  • Plus many others...

Executive Summary

  • Supplement use has remained relatively stable over the past 5 years with approximately 7 out of 10 consumers reporting using supplements in past 30 days

  • Consumers are looking for more natural solutions to their health issues and show high likelihood to use supplements for management and prevention across a range of issues; in fact, over half of supplement users believe they can manage many of their health issues by taking supplements
  • While it is important to understand condition managers and their needs, understanding what consumers are concerned about preventing highlights even larger opportunities

Opportunities Await...

Overcoming barriers

The top issues supplement users report when taking supplements focus on uncertainty or lack of knowledge; they are not sure supplements are doing what they are supposed to, which nutrients their body needs or which supplements are right for their needs


Over six in ten supplement users show strong interest in a personalized supplements, with about half interested in a home blood test or DNA test to determine their nutritional needs and deficiencies

Preferred formats

Capsules and tablets are still the primary preferred formats, but gummies, soft chews and liquids are showing strong growth

Safety messaging

Unquestionable safety is the most important attribute when considering which supplements to purchase; the most important aspect of safety is that they have ‘no harmful health side effects’, particularly for the Light User

Proof of efficacy

While perceived quality and manufacturer reported clinical substantiation have in the past proven adequate, today the supplement consumer, in an effort to make every dollar count, is raising the bar requiring more tangible proof of effectiveness

Tangible value

Consumers are in a constant state of flux as their life stage changes as they age and as they reevaluate their priorities; therefore, the supplement industry will need to pay close attention to consumers’ shifting values and needs

Emerging attributes

Some supplement attributes which are rated with lower importance are also showing the most growth, indicative of emerging values including religious dietary restrictions, sustainability, organic and plant-based – values which are spanning a wide range of categories including supplements

OTC market

Consumers are using a range of OTC products with pain relievers as the most used, followed by products for immunity (cough/cold) and digestive issues

2019 Trends

Expansion of Personalization & Customization

The Advent of Nanotechnology

Nootropics – Brain Enhancement


Protein Expansion

Beauty from Within

Bioavailability and Absorption

Digestive Health: A Gut Feeling


Table of Contents


Definitions of Groups


Executive Summary

Supplement Overview


Summary Overview


Expansion of Personalization & Customization

The Advent of Nanotechnology

Nootropics and Brain Enhancement


Protein Expansion

Beauty from Within

Bioavailability and Absorption

Digestive Health: A Gut Feeling


5 Consumer Segments

NMI's Consumer Segmentation Methodology

Understanding the Segments

Segment Composition of Current, Lapsed and Non-User

Level of Engagement in Supplement Use

Demographic Profile of Segments


Nutrition and Health Goals

Search for Self-care Methods

Importance Ratings of Health Issues

Growth in Importance Ratings of Health Issues

Self-reported Worsening Conditions

Perceived Insufficiency of Nutrients in Food Consumption

Use of Supplements for Nutrient Assurance

Reasons for Perceived Insufficiency of Nutrients in Foods

Perceived Nutrient Deficiencies

Diet Types Followed

Desire for Protein


Likely Users

Likelihood to Use Supplements to Manage Conditions: Tier 1

Likelihood to Use Supplements to Manage Conditions: Tier 2

Population Size of Likely Users

Growth of Likelihood to Use Across Conditions

Likely Users Perceived Nutrient Deficiencies

Condition Concern and Management Among Likely Users

Likelihood to Use vs. Concern for Prevention

Correlations of Likely to Use vs. Concern

Demographic Profile of Likely Users


Condition Management

Conditions Managed

Pain Management

Methods Used to Manage: Supplements, OTC, Rx

Condition Managers Use of Methods

Use of More Than One Method to Manage Condition

Growth/Decline in Supplement Use to Manage Conditions

Supplement Opportunity Areas for Condition Management

Concern about False Claims of Health Benefits

Heart Management

Digestive Management

Stress/Anxiety/Depression Management

Joint Management

Immunity Management

Cognitive Management

Anti-Aging/Skin/Beauty From Within Management

Growth in Condition Specific Use

Concern about Condition Prevention

Concern about Preventing Conditions vs. Management

Conditions for Which Concern Is Growing

Perceptions of Supplement Effectiveness for Management

Growth of Perceived Supplement Effectiveness

Condition Concern vs. Perceived Supplement Effectiveness

Market Opportunities Based on Quadrant Analysis

Market Opportunities Highlighted by Growth in Concern


Supplement Landscape

Type of Supplement User

Type of Supplement User Trended

Demographic Shifts in Type of Supplement User

Trended Supplement Category Use

Level of Supplement User

Change in Supplement Use Over Last Few Years

Reasons for Increased Use

Reasons for Decreased Use

Concerns Regarding Supplement Use

Interest in Personalized Nutrition Products

Likelihood to Purchase Personalized Nutrition Products

Likelihood to Purchase Personalized Nutrition Products by Age Groups

Willingness to Take a Blood Test for Personalized Plan

Concern for Personalized Nutrition Product Requirements

Supplement Absorption Concerns

Importance Ratings of Supplement Attributes: Tier 1

Importance Ratings of Supplement Attributes: Tier 2

Growth in Importance of Supplement Attributes

Point Allocation Rating the Importance of Safety Attributes

Safety Ratings Across Supplements, OTC & Rx

Effectiveness Ratings Across Supplements, OTC & Rx

Trended Safety and Effectiveness Ratings

Reasons Non-Users Do Not Currently Use Supplements

Drivers to Initiate Use Among Non-Users

Ranked Reasons Generational Non-Users Do Not Currently Use


Specific Supplement Use

Use of Specific Supplements in Past 30 Days: Tier 1

Use of Specific Supplements in Past 30 Days: Tier 2

Top Supplement Use Across Generations

Growth in Use of Specific Supplements

Use of Essential Oils

Reasons Supplement Users Use Collagen

Reasons Supplement Users Use Fiber

Reasons Supplement Users Use Caffeine

Reasons Supplement Users Use CBD/Hemp Oil

Reasons Supplement Users Use Curcumin/Turmeric

Reasons Supplement Users Use Probiotics


Composition of Supplements

Preference for Supplements in Other Formats

Preferred Supplement Formats

Preferred Supplement Food Formats

Growth in Preferred Supplement Formats

Use of Gummy-Type Supplements

Positive and Negative Attitudes Toward Gummy Supplements

Concern about False Claims of Ingredient Content

Certification Recognition

Attributes Which Drive Willingness to Pay a Premium

Importance of Vegetarian Sourcing

Importance of Sustainable, Organic and Non-GMO Sourcing

Importance of US Sourcing


Purchasing Dynamics

Sources of Influence for Supplement Purchase: Tier 1

Doctor Recommendation of Supplement Use

Supplement Discussions with Physician

Desire for Natural Approaches to Health

Sources of Influence for Supplement Purchase: Tier 2

Channels Shopped for Supplements

Channels Shopped Most Often for Supplements

Supplement Spending Allocation Among Channels

Trended Spending on Supplements Across Generations

Change in Supplement Spending Across Channels

Comparative Spending for Supplements, OTC & Rx


OTC and Prescription Medications

OTC Products Used in Past 6 Months

Condition Managers Use of OTC

Concerns Regarding Over the Counter Medications

Trended Spending on OTC Across Generations

Health Professionals Visited

Attitudes Regarding Prescription Medication

Conditions for Which a Prescription Medication Was Used

Concerns Regarding Prescription Medications

Condition Managers Use of Prescription Medications

Trended Spending on Rx Across Generations


NMI’s consumer segmentation of the general population reveals five well defined segments with distinctive paths towards health and wellness

5 Consumer Segments

NMI’s analysis of the U.S. population’s attitudes and behaviors regarding health and wellness has identified clear psychographic and differentiated segments. This proprietary health and wellness segmentation, based on more than 40 variables, measures commonalities and differences between five distinct consumer groups using k-means cluster analysis.

The comprehensive statistical modeling process used to derive NMI’s health and wellness consumer segmentation is based on the following techniques and methodologies:

  • Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of nearly 200 measures of consumer attitudes and behaviors regarding health and wellness, organic products, supplements, exercise, and many other topics. The analysis identified more than 25 potential factors.
  • The identification of 31 measures from the factor analysis that best represented each of the potential factors and maintained consistency with the previous years’ segmentation solution.


  • K-means cluster analysis which examined numerous potential solutions to determine which segmentation model provided the optimal solution, based on the following criteria:


  • Maximum differentiation between consumer groups


  • Maximum homogeneity within each consumer group


  • NMI’s Health and Wellness Segmentation tool has 92% accuracy in predicting segment membership.

5 Committed Segments: The analysis determined that a five-cluster solution was optimal. The five segments listed below are mutually exclusive. Within each segment, the key attitudinal drivers of health and wellness exert unique levels of influence.

The segmentation has been overlaid on third-party data sets such as Nielsen’s Homescan and can be used through NMI in custom/primary qualitative or quantitative research.


Definitions of Consumer Groups Within the Report

GP – General Population U.S. Adults 18+

Millennials – born 1977-1997 (Ages 21-41)

Young Millennials – born 1991-1997 (Ages 21-27)

Older Millennials – born 1977-1990 (Ages 28-41)

Gen X – born 1965-1976 (Ages 42-53)

Boomers – born 1946-1964 (Ages 54-72)

Matures – born 1900-1945 (Ages 73+)

Understanding NMI’s Health & Wellness consumer segmentation within the U.S. general population allows marketers to optimize their target products and messages

Supplements/OTC/Rx Database (SORD) & Report Methodology

  • Most comprehensive data and robust data collection vehicle available which examines the intersection of dietary supplements, OTC, and pharmaceuticals
  • Ongoing consumer research among U.S. general population adults
  • Nationally representative sample of the U. S. population statistically valid at 95% confidence level to +/- 1.2%
  • Research previously conducted and trended in USA in 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017
  • 2018 research was conducted among 2,004 general population consumers and crafted 4th quarter 2018
  • Conducted via on-line methodology
  • Trended research also conducted globally in 13 countries

All data within this report is from NMI’s USA Supplements/OTC/Rx Database (SORD), unless otherwise noted


For more information, kindly contact Steve French.